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Measuring The Charter Outcomes – Self Assessment 2022-23


Annually we are required to report our performance in delivering the outcomes and standards detailed in the Scottish Social Housing Charter. This report must provide customers with an assessment of our performance and how any areas of improvement will be addressed, in a way that is easy to read and understand. The relevant Regulatory Requirements are:

Scottish Social Housing Charter Performance: CH3

Report its performance in achieving or progressing towards the Charter outcomes and standards to its tenants and other service users (no later than October each year).  Agree the  format of performance reporting with tenants, ensuring that it is accessible for tenants and other service users, with plain and jargon-free language.

Scottish Social Housing Charter Performance: CH4

When reporting its performance to tenants and other service users each landlord must:

  • provide them with an assessment of performance in delivering each of the Charter outcomes and standards
  • which are relevant to the landlord
  • include relevant comparisons – these should include comparisons with previous years, with other landlords and with national performance
  • set out how and when the landlord intends to address areas for improvement
  • give tenants and other service users a way to feed back their views on the style and form of the reporting

Charter Key Performance indicators, and results achieved in previous reporting years are provided for comparison. Improvement actions identified in the previous year’s self assessment are highlighted, and our performance in delivering these.

Service improvements, that illustrate achievement of our Customer 1st guiding principles of Keeping it Simple, Making it Personal and Making it Right are highlighted. Actions that illustrate compliance with legal requirements and regulatory standards are noted.

As part of the assessment conclusions we identify areas for improvement and the timescale for achieving these.
A copy of the Scottish Social Housing Charter, including a description of each outcome, is available on the Scottish Government website: The Scottish Social Housing Charter

Please follow this link Charter Self Assessment 2022-23 which will take you to a document detailing the results of our self assessment, some of the performance and actions that have informed this self assessment and the identified improvement action.

Once you have considered the self assessment there is a short survey which we would like you to complete. This is for you to provide your views on our self assessment and whether we have achieved the Outcome or Standard.

It should be noted that the information provided in this communication relates to the performance and actions of Caledonia last year, i.e. in 2022-23.

** Please note this survey is completely anonymous and we are not asking you to provide, nor seeking to capture, any of your personal information**

Caledonia Charter Self Assessment Survey

Next steps

Once the assessment is complete and finalised we will prepare our annual performance report for tenants and stakeholders, which will be published at the end of October.