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Report A Repair

If there is something not working as expected in your home, and we are responsible for repairing it, please contact us to book a repair appointment.

We’ll do everything we can to fix any problems we’re responsible for quickly and efficiently.

Our Customer Solutions Team are available 9am – 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4pm on Fridays to assist with your repairs.

You can report a repair by:

  Email: info@caledoniaha.co.uk

  Phone: 0800 678 1228

 Connect using the repairs wizard

  Online Form (for non-emergency repairs)

Please remember to include a phone number and email address with your repair request so we can contact you to organise the repair.


BR24 - Emergency Repairs That Occur Out Of Hours 

 Monday to Thursday 5pm to 9am and Friday from 4pm until 9am Monday are classed as OUT OF HOURS. 

 Please call BR24 on: 0800 783 7937 

When contacted BR24 will make arrangements for contractors to attend to emergency repairs. BR24 will also contact Caledonia Housing Association staff if the situation is serious. Please do not call this number to report a routine or other non-emergency repair. 



Types Of Repairs & Maintenance 

Repairs are split into emergency and routine so we can fix there most urgent first. There are also some repairs that are the responsibility of the tenant.


Example Non Emergency Repairs:

  • Internal joinery repairs e.g. kitchen unit door with loose hinges 
  • Doors or windows sticking or causing a draught  
  • Minor issues with toilet e.g. water running into the toilet pan
  • Loose brickwork or brickwork has eroded  
  • Loss of one light/power socket 
  • Repairs to plasterwork 
  • Extractor fans broken in kitchen or bathroom 
  • Pest control (only where it affects a communal area or whole block) 
  • A hob or oven not working (unless no alternative available) 
  • Dripping taps 

Example Emergency Repairs: 

  • Total loss of electricity, gas or water supply 
  • Unsafe power, lighting or electrical fittings
  • Blocked flue to open fire or boiler 
  • Total loss of heating in winter months 
  • Taps that cannot be turned off and are running at full flow 
  • Uncontainable water leak  
  • A home being insecure because of fire, police activity, harassment, domestic violent or if the property is empty
  • Serious roof leak or a major structural failure 
  • Total loss of hot water (for vulnerable customers)

If you suspect you have a gas leak, switch off the gas at the meter, contact Scottish Gas Network on (0800 912 1700)

Planned Repairs  

Planned repairs cover things like roofing, guttering and fencing fixes, larger plastering and brickwork jobs as well as repairs that need scaffolding or specialist machinery to finish. For these types of repairs we have a 90 day window to complete the job, that’s because it often needs some specialist skills, machinery or materials.  

Planned Maintenance 

Each year we carry out work to improve and modernise our properties.  This can include for example, installing replacement kitchens, bathrooms, windows and doors or heating systems. 

For further information on the types of work we’re doing in different locations this year, please see our Planned Maintenance Programme


Tenants Responsibilities  

We are not responsible for repairing anything that has been damaged by you, your family or visitors – whether intentionally, accidentally or through neglect. 

Tenants are responsible for carrying out various minor repairs such as; decorating the inside of your home; maintaining any features or fixtures you have installed yourself; and arranging and paying for pest control.

Timescales For Repairs 

We aim to carry out: 

  Emergency repairs in 6 hours 

  Urgent repairs in 4 full working days 

 Routine repairs in 10 full working days 

 Standard Void Repairs in 10 full working days